My name is Cullan Fritts. I am a disciple of Jesus, a husband to Abigail, a father to Judah and Emelia (who will be here October 2021), and a photographer. I've been shooting since 2012. I pretty much immediately fell in love with photography. What I want more than anything is for my art to impact people's hearts for Jesus.
In 2011, I was converted to Jesus from a life of secret sin. I was filled with shame, hatred for myself, and was not happy. Worst of all, I was headed for a miserable eternity away from God. But in August of 2011, God showed me that, in the middle of my sin and rebellion against him, he loved me. He treasured me. He valued me in the very moment I was sinning against him. He demonstrated that by sending his Son, Jesus, to suffer and die in my place. He bore all my sins to death because he loved me. Then he rose on the third day so that I could have the hope eternal, resurrected life with Christ at his second coming. What a glorious thing that I, somebody who absolutely deserved to suffer forever for my sins, will in fact bask in glorious happiness with God forever purely because of God's grace.
This is the motivation for my art. I want to portray God as beautifully as I can, which will always fall woefully short. But may he be pleased by my pathetic attempts to capture all his beauty.